Thesis deposit

Deposit of doctoral thesis is in electronic form in Clermont-Ferrand since January 1, 2011.

This deposit is a legal obligation, it conditions the delivery of your doctoral degree.

For medical dissertations, refer to the websites of these UFR: medicine, pharmacy et odontology.


To help you in your work, libraries offer you training on:

  • technical issues: software, style sheets, etc.
  • submission procedure, author rights: see our support online (in french)
  • documentary research (how to access what you are looking for)

Writing and style sheet

To make the processing of your file as easy as possible, you will help us by making sure the following elements are on the first page:

  • University of thesis defense
  • Doctoral School
  • Partner research unit
  • Thesis title and sub-title
  • Thesis author
  • Thesis Director
  • Exact thesis defense date: day month year
  • List of jury members mentioning their status (jury president, director, rapporteur, etc.)

Thesis deposit

Before the defense of your thesis: preliminary deposit

At the latest 1 month before your thesis defense, you must send an email to your library (see contacts at the bottom of the page), to which you will attach:

  • the file(s) of your thesis in PDF format ;
  • a text file with the titles, the keywords and the summary of your thesis in french AND english.

Even if this information is already in your thesis, we need them in a text file, for the content of PDF can not always be used. Help us to process your work faster !

After the defense of your thesis: final deposit

At the latest 3 months after the defense, you must provide the Thesis manager of your library (see contacts at the bottom of the page):

  • Autorisation de diffusion (Authorization of diffusion) (FR - PDF, 100 Ko)
  • Autorisation de dépôt de thèse (Thesis deposit authorization) (FR - PDF, 95 Ko)

You can pre-fill all forms digitally with Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you encounter a problem while filling in the forms, it is probably because your software is not up to date. You can install or update Adobe Acrobat Reader free of charge from the Adobe page.

If corrections have been requested on your thesis, you must return the corrected file(s) of your thesis in PDF format to the Thesis manager of your library.

Conservation and dissemination

By signing the Authorization of diffusion, you will state your decision about the diffusion of your thesis (Internet or restricted diffusion).

Choosing the Internet diffusion, you choose to be visible on and TEL. is the french thesis portal of the Bibliographic Agency for Higher Education.

TEL is a part of HAL, the French Science Open Repository, dedicated to theses.

By choosing to disseminate your work in open access you participate in the movement of free access to research for all ; you participate in the sharing and transmission of knowledge.

Regardless of your position on dissemination

  • a full digital copy will be forwarded to the National Computer Center for Higher Education (CINES) for long-term preservation ;
  • unless a confidentiality clause is imposed on your thesis, it will be made available to the university community and disseminated within the University via Intranet, as required by law (see the Order of 25 May 2016).

You also have the opportunity to disseminate your work yourself, whether free or commercial.

Contacts - Thesis managers of your libraries

  • Letters, Humanities and Social Sciences Doctoral School
    Letters and Humanities Sciences Library: François Blanchon (
  • Engineer Sciences Doctoral School
    Cézeaux Library: Mireille Favard (
  • Fundamental Sciences Doctoral School
    Cézeaux Library: Mireille Favard (
  • Life Sciences Health Agronomy Environment Doctoral School
    Cézeaux Library: Mireille Favard (
  • Economics, Legal, Policy and Management Sciences Doctoral School
    Law Economics Management Library: Maximilien Savoye (

Thesis Coordinator 
Digital Libray: Jessica Leyrit (

STAR and STEP correspondent
Cézeaux Library: Mireille Favard (
Law Economics Management Library: Catherine Falchetto (

Consult thesis online